Below, you’ll find courses that include e-Books as study materials, along with distance attunements.
Before the era of video courses, many of us embraced the practice of learning through e-Books combined with distance attunements, whether through Chi Balls or scheduled sessions. This was a beautiful way to connect and learn energetically, no matter where we were.
Personally, when I moved from Germany to Canada, I found great comfort in this approach, using it to stay connected with my friends and students back home. I hope you, too, find a course here that resonates with your path.
As my schedule became busier and my focus shifted to offering direct courses and creating video online courses, I stepped away from providing these attunements for a while. However, for a limited time, I’m excited to offer my own energy healing systems in this format again, as long as my time allows. These courses are especially for those of you who have experience with energy work and distance attunements, and who enjoy studying e-Books to gain knowledge. I hope you find a course here that resonates with your journey.