Shamanic Dancing is another way of Shamanic Journeying by using breathing and dancing to reach a light or deep state of Trance.

Shamanic Dancing

Shamanic Journeying Through Dancing and Breathing - Certified online course

 "I’ve never expected Shamanic dancing is such a healing process for me. Images in dreams came out. I cried a bit and let go of negative energies. I also danced like different animals. At the end, I felt energised and lighter and healed in some ways. Thank you so much, Daniela, for teaching this simple yet powerful method." 


Shamanic Dancing

There are so many different ways to do shamanic methods, because there are so many different reasons to practise them.
You might already know about my Shamanic Journeying courses, in which you can learn one of many different methods. You can learn how to visit spiritual worlds, how to find Power Animals, Symbols and Lost Souls.
Now, I want to share another shamanic way of self discovery, and spiritual growth: Shamanic Dancing  
If you like to dance, and if you like Shamanic Journeying, then this course is for you.
No worries, if you have never done a Shamanic Journey before, you can still join this course, as long as you feel drawn to shamanic methods.


If you have health issues, like serious heart problems, epilepsy, or psychological problems, you should not take this course! If you are not sure about practicing shamanic dancing, please consult a health professional. This course doesn’t replace a health professional or psychologist.

What is Shamanic Dancing
Shamanic Dancing is simply another way of Shamanic Journeying by using breathing and dancing to reach a light or deep state of Trance that you need for Shamanic Journeying.

How does it  work?
Shamanic Dancing is a practice where you invite Spirit, the power of all creation, into your body through dancing. This is attained through a special breathing method. When using this breathing method you will free your mind, and when your body is dancing, your soul can travel to other worlds, where you can meet your shamanic ancestors, spirit animals, or spirit guides. There you can get answers to questions, and you can learn, heal, or even help your friends to heal on a spiritual level.

Course Curriculum

What I personally love about this kind of dance is that I feel very grounded. I feel like I’m in my body again, but at the same time I can work on a spiritual level to help myself, and my friends and clients.

My name is Daniela, and I started to learn shamanic healing back in 2001, when I lived in Germany. I have learned, practiced and taught different shamanic methods like Trance Dance, Shamanic Journeying, Soul Retrieval and Professional Aura Balancing.

Here are some Benefits of
Shamanic Dancing

It is for all ages, and keeps you fit and young

It will Increase your energy

It can help to bring back the joy of life
It helps you to let go of blockages

It increases your inner visions

It will ground you with mother earth
It will bring your Spirit back into your body

It will free your mind

It connects you with your essence, your higher consciousness


Shamanic Dancing can be practiced at home, alone, or with friends, or in a big group.

So, enroll in this course, if you feel that it is time for you to dance again!

What do you need?

  • a place where you can dance
  • music, that I provided here for you in this course
  • a stereo player
  • something to cover your eyes with, like a bandana, a scarf or an eye cover mask (an eye cover mask is preferred, because it does not slip away from your eyes during dancing)
  • time for yourself



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Empowering !!

This is my 3rd Shamanic course in a row for me and I cannot get enough. I am recovering from a flu bug so not as involved as I would like to be ...but still very experiential. Shamanic dance has so many facets ...from being empowering and a sense of feeling free to being more " grounded" ....more in your body rather than your mind floating off as a form of escapism. It feels like you are coming back to yourself ...your true essence with no concerns about what others think. I love her presence and voice...

5 years ago

Moving with Spirit

Shamanic Dancing course teaches a technique of shamanic journeying that involves breath and movement to achieve a trance-like state. This course turned everything I thought I knew about achieving a spiritual meditative state on it's head. Previously, I always meditated while seated or lying down, quiet and completely still. While this is a great technique and can bring you to the desired state for journeying, divination or spirit connection, shamanic dancing takes you to a different level. Shamanic dancing is raw, primal, with depth. Seated meditation takes me to that empty, quiet place where I relax into stillness. Shamanic dancing takes me to an alive, connected place where my body comes in tune with the rhythm, the heart beat of the Earth and the spirit world. There is feeling of fun, sensuality and energy within this practice. I cannot recommend this course enough.

5 years ago

Daniela Hills

I've been involved in the awesome realm of spiritual growth for many years in Germany, and now in Canada. I worked together with lots of people, one on one, in groups and online.

I teach Shamanic Healing methods, like Soul Retrieval, Aura Balancing, Shamanic Journeying, Trance Dance, and other shamanic methods.

I also practice and teach Past Life Regression, Reiki, Intuition Courses, Mediumship Readings, Trance Healing, Energy Grid Activation, Angel Readings, Space Clearings, and other healing methods.

I am also the Founder of the WhiteLight Self Empowerment System, and the Healing Grid Connection, both are known worldwide.

Private: I was born on the 4th of February 1965 in East Germany. I live since 2005 in Canada, Calgary. I am a wife, mother of 4 kids, stepmother of one kid, and I am also a Grandmother of 4 grandchildren. My native language is German, and I had to learn English, when I was 40 years old. I hope you like my German accent :)

Many Blessings


We’re going to take on all the risk, and give you our "Karma Guarantee". If you’re not happy within viewing 30% of the course material, we’ll refund you the total amount you paid. And we’ll give you 30 days to decide. You get to discover whether this is the right course for you! Does that sound fair? You have nothing to lose! (For further details read our Refund Policy)

 (VAT not included. VAT applicable to EU customers only)

Let's dance :)

One Time Purchase

$37 CAD

  • online course, including Music to download, and a GateLight certificate