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Come with me, and let's go on exciting Shamanic Journeys.
Step into the magical realm of Shamanic Journeying!
This 5-course package will give you more than just knowledge – it's an adventure that can change how you see the spirit world.
You'll have the chance to explore your deepest thoughts, and meet your spiritual guides.
But this isn't just another course. It's an experience. One that will ignite your inner power, boost your spiritual practices, and give you the tools to tread your own Shamanic path. You'll be amazed at how much wisdom and power you'll gain and the deep satisfaction it brings.
Maybe, you're just one step away from unlocking your spiritual power, and this 5-course bundle could be your next step. Plus, the certificate are just bonuses. So, are you ready to start this exciting journey of self-exploration and spiritual growth?
Your Shamanic Journey begins here! Get ready for a magical trip into Shamanic practices. Are you geared up for the amazing adventure that's waiting for you?
What is a Shamanic Journey?
A Shamanic Journey is a spiritual practice, and it is a way of exploring the spiritual realms, and making contact with spirits, spirit animals, power animals, lost souls, angels, ancestors, elders, or departed shamans.
It is a way of finding out more about yourself, or finding information, healing, wisdom, knowledge, and guidance with one’s personal life.
So why should you do a Shamanic Journey?
There are many reasons to do a Shamanic Journey.
If you feel drawn to Shamanism, and if you want to find out more about yourself, or finding answers to questions, then a shamanic journey will be very helpful. Maybe you already tried to do this through a meditation, but it didn’t really work out for you.
Well, shamanic journeying is similar to a meditation. A shamanic Journey will help to improve your meditation skills, and you will learn to see in the dark, which means, to see with your inner eye, or third eye.So don’t worry that you need to pack your suitcase to go on a shamanic Journey :)
my teacher did a shamanic Journey for me to bring back parts of my Soul. (I teach Soul Retrieval too)
After the session, she said: “Daniela, you can not go on a journey alone by yourself. First you have to learn how to do it, and this will take awhile.”
I agreed to follow her advice…
Of course, as soon as I got home, I thought, I could at least lie down, cover my eyes, and listen to the drumming music.
I had no Idea what I was doing. Nothing happened at first. It was actually boring.
But suddenly I felt strange.
My eyes were closed and covered, but I could see in the dark. Everything was moving extremely fast around me, and it felt like I was being sucked down into a hole.
I kept sliding down, deeper and deeper. It was uncomfortable, but I was too curious to stop.
Then it felt like I had landed somewhere.
I was in the Underworld. I saw an animal there; but that's another story for later.
So that’s how my journey began. I never told my teacher about this experience.
Finding your Power Animal
"Thank you for this beautiful journey on how to find my power animal! Daniela is an amazing teacher that offers courses with compact information, yet in a simple way for easy understanding. Her teachings are very creative with hands on techniques that will bring you closer to your desired goals. I had the opportunity to meet and work with Daniela and from experience i can say that it will enhance your life with great benefit! I found my power animal and i work on implementing these gifts and teachings into my day to day life continuously to expand my knowledge and my spirit! Thank you Daniela! I will be back to further develop my spiritual path! :)"
M. H.
Does any of the following sound familiar?
I’d like to feel more in balance, and have my energy back.
I feel drawn to Shamanism, but I don’t know where to start.
I’d like to know my Power Animal, and how to work with it.
I know my Power Animal already, but I am not sure if it is really my Power Animal, and how I can integrate it in my life.
I’d like to find a way to open my third eye more, and to develop my intuition.
I’d like to know how to connect to Spirit Guides.
I’d like to meditate, but nothing really worked for me.
If you said "Yes" to any of the above, then you are at the right place.
Learn step by step, how to enter the the Middle World, the Under World, and the Upper World.
Learn how to find and bring back your Power Animal
Learn what else you can do on a Shamanic Journey
Bonus: Sacred Earth Meditation Music
- with Certificate -
This course teaches you a special way of Shamanic Journeying, with the main focus on how to find and bring back your Power Animal.
You will learn how to visit the Middle World, the Under World and as a Bonus you will learn how to meet your Spirit guides, and I will show you how to visit the Upper World.
This course is packed with a lot of information, and practical exercises.
Symbolically speaking, a Power Animal is a part of you. Power Animals are a reflection of your deepest self. It represent qualities which you have, or need, in this life. Often these qualities are hidden, because of a shock or trauma.
Through this journey we focus on how to find your Power Animal, and bring it back into your life, so that you will experience more energy and Inner peace. You will learn, step by step, through bite sized lessons, on how to do a Shamanic Journey, and how to travel to the Spirit Worlds.
I will guide you to find your Power Animal. You will learn what a Power Animal is, and how to know if you really found your Power Animal..
You'll need a bandana or just a scarf to cover your eyes.
Have a blanket, and a small pillow Maybe have another blanket to cover yourself if you get cold easily.
Have a stereo (is preferred) or use an mp3 player with headphones.
Be open for new experiences
Finding the perfect drumming music for shamanic journeying is not that easy.
But don’t worry, I created drumming music for Shamanic Journeying for you, so that you don’t need to buy some for this course.
Videos with step by step explanation of the Ritual
Drumming Music - you can download the music
Guided Meditations
A certificate
1. Besides learning how to find and bring back your Power Animal, you will also learn, for example, how to find your Spirit Guides, or how to meet your Shamanic Ancestors.
2. And I will explain to you how to visit the Upper World to meet Beings of Light.
This course is for students who like to learn about Shamanic Rituals, and Shamanic Healing.
It is for students who want to grow spiritually.
This is not just a beginner course, it is also for anyone who already has experience with Shamanic Journeying, or for those who want to make sure that they really have found their power Animal.
This course is also a great way to prepare for my advanced shamanic journeying courses.
My advanced courses will teach you how to find Power Animals for your friends, and Shamanic Symbols, or missing Soul Fragments for yourself and your friends, or clients
Important! This course does not replace a medical professional!
The Next Step in Shamanic Journeying To The Under World Learn how to find and bring back your friends Power Animals.
- with certificate
You will learn advanced shamanic Journeying to the Underworld , and you will learn how to bring back your friend's or client's Power Animals
Completion of Daniela's online Course: "How to do a Shamanic Journey to find and bring back your Power Animal"
Experiences with Shamanic Journeying Knowing your own Power Animal
This course is for students who like to learn about Shamanic Rituals, and Shamanic Healing.
It is for students who want to grow spiritually, and for all who like to help other people.
Important! This course does not replace a medical professional!
Videos with step by step explanation of the Retrieval Ritual
Drumming Music - you can download the music
Attune to your Power Animal Meditation
A certificate as a Power Animal Retrieval Practitioner
The Next Step in Shamanic Journeying To The Under World Learn how to find Shamanic Good Luck Symbols.
- with Certificate -
A good luck symbol is a Talisman with a specific intent.
It is a symbol with magic power to bring good fortune.
It can be a special symbol for Love, Family, Well Being, Career, or simply just for Luck.
You can do a Shamanic Journey to find a symbol for yourself, for friends or clients.
The good thing is your friend or client doesn't even need to be there with you for the journey.
How do symbols work?
The symbols you will find in a shamanic journey are the keys to unlock your inner potential.
These symbols communicate in their own language.
They have the ability to reach your deepest inner self.
They convey ideas and beliefs, and can help to reprogram your unconscious beliefs that you might carry deep within yourself.
Simply speaking, symbols can support you to change your inner world, your beliefs, feelings, and thoughts, and they will pull you in the right direction.
Symbols are used everywhere in our history for good or bad.
We also find symbols in our daily life to influence us in many ways, and I am sure you are aware of them.
So why not use the tool of shamanic journeying to find symbols that can influence us in a positive way?
You will learn advanced shamanic Journeying to the Underworld.
You will learn, step by step, how to find Shamanic Symbols.
You will learn what you can do with the symbols after finding them.
Prerequisites: Completion of Daniela's online Course: "How to do a Shamanic Journey to find and bring back your Power Animal" Experiences with Shamanic Journeying
Videos with step by step explanation of the Ritual
Drumming Music - you can download the music
A certificate
Learn how to bring back Soul Fragments for yourself and your friends or clients.
- with Certificate -
In many cultures, worldwide, we find the belief that sickness and suffering happens because important fragments of our soul have gone missing.
This is called “Soul Loss”.
It is believed that a Soul Loss often happens because of a shock or trauma, which we experienced in the past, especially in childhood.
Soul Loss basically means that you lost parts of yourself, or parts of your Consciousness. And with this loss you can lose, for example, vitality or joy.
Think about it like this: at the moment of a painful experience a part of yourself leaves your body. This is a survival mechanism of your soul. In this case it’s saying to itself: “This is too much, I don't want to experience this. I’m getting out of here now.”
And this part of your soul, that is leaving the body during the trauma or shock, is not just leaving for a moment, it wants to hide, because it doesn't want to experience something like that again.
So if you, or your friends or clients suffer in some way, or feel that something is missing, or they don’t feel like themselves, then you might want to look for the missing pieces of the soul.
Soul Retrieval, also called Soul Hunting, is a shamanic method to find and bring back parts of the soul that were lost.
Losing parts of your soul is a spiritual illness and the results are emotional and physical suffering.
Soul Retrieval will never replace a doctor, but it can support your healing on a spiritual and emotional level, which has a positive effect on the physical level.
Shamans around the world understand the importance of healing the soul.
Soul Retrieval, or Soul Hunting is especially practiced in Siberia, in parts of Asia, in Lapland, Africa, Australia, North- and South America, just to name a few places.
Performing a Soul Retrieval is like a game between you and a child that runs away. The child is basically the lost part of the soul, and you are the grown up looking for your child.
Practicing Soul Retrieval will give you new ways to think about the source of your problems.
Soul Retrieval has been practiced for thousands of years from Shamans around the world, yet for many people it is still not very well known.
Soul Retrieval has been practiced for thousands of years from Shamans around the world, yet for many people it is still not very well known.
Let's change this!
Normally everyone of us has experienced some kind of a Shock or a Trauma in life.
Often you are not conscious of it, because it happened in your childhood, and you simply forgot about it.
If you somehow feel that something in your life is missing, and that it is hard to experience the joy you had as a child, then you might have lost a part of your soul.
Your Soul is your Spirit, your Essence, which exists in and outside your physical body. The loss of fragments of your Soul happens mostly in connection with difficult life situations. It is the result of a Life Shock, so to speak.
But there are also situations, where parts of your Soul gets stolen. Normally this only happens when the owner of the soul gives some kind of permission. For example, this can happen when a loved one dies, and the spirit of the departed convinces the person who is grieving to come with them.
Shamans believe that a Soul Loss is a normal process of survival often because of physical, emotional and mental abuse.
Shamans believe that any kind of illness is a result of Soul Loss.
Now, it is important to repeat that a Soul Retrieval does not replace a Doctor or Psychologist.
When you go to a healthcare professional, normally the treatment is focused on the symptoms, so basically on the parts of the Soul that are still there.
For this reason the treatment can indeed help, but you don't really completely heal. You will know this, because you will still feel that something is missing, that something is not complete in your life.
After a Soul Retrieval, People experience a feeling of Wholeness for the first time in their lives. They feel full of energy, and more importantly they feel the effect of being present in the here and now.
But still, please go to a healthcare professional or Psychologist, if you have any health problems!
Everyone of us have gone through difficult situations, some more than others. We all have wounds from our past. I went through a lot too. And through my search for Wellbeing, I found many ways to heal my wounds. An important part of this healing I found through Soul Retrieval.
If you're not focusing on finding information about shamanism,
but you constantly see documentaries about Shamans in TV, or you find books about Shamanism, posts and images on the internet about your Power Animal and so on,
your Spirit Guides might want to get your attention.
Don't ignore this!
Learn how to create a Sacred Place in your home or workplace.
- with Certificate -
A Spiritual House Cleansing is a Way To Inner and Outer Balance Spiritual cleansing is nothing new.
Our ancestors used to do spiritual cleansing for their homes to get rid of negative or stagnant energy, and to bring positive energy and harmony inside.
We can find different cleansing methods in all cultures around the world.
The methods and tools may vary from culture to culture, but the intent to bring harmony into a space is always the same.
If you do Energy Healing, you will know how important it is that your workplace feels clean and comfortable, not just physically, but energetically too. If you want your client, and yourself, to feel comfortable and protected during a healing or meditation, I suggest to cre- ate a sacred space by doing a spiritual cleansing.
Please note: There is no one culture or belief system that this spiritual cleansing course is based on, or represents.
👉 Important: These courses are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider for any health issues you may be experiencing.
Including certificates, drumming music, community
"I have loved doing this course and the previous one about Shamanic journeys. The teacher explains everything so simply and the little videos of herself and a client make it even easier to understand and to see how it should be done. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talents" Ann C
"This was a fantastic course. The pace of learning was just right and the rituals and methods easy to learn. Thank you so much." Colette V-C
"I enjoyed this course very much. The explanations were concise and didn't overload me with detail. This course fits well with other shamanic courses I'm doing and it offered me consistency. The downloads are useful and relevant. I've signed up for the other courses as well. Great stuff" Peter K.
"I love Daniela’s teachings. She is sooooo knowledgable, and all the lessons are clear to understand and fun to follow. Her warm & loving personality shines through each lesson, giving you the skills and confidence to be successful in every class. Thank You Daniela!" Karen Froning Spiritual Healer
"This woman is someone who I certainly would listen to and learn from, she is kind, gentle and talks slow enough for absorption of each and every word. Bless you for bringing this course to online learning. It's very appreciated." - Ronda Kemp
"Dear Daniela, thank you for this wonderful course. I learnt many useful and important aspects of soul retrieval and how it impacts our life and you have explained it in a very easy to understand manner with beautiful videos and amazing drumming music. I will surely practice it and help myself and others too. :)" - Nandini V
"Excellent course. Appreciate the review material, how thorough the instructor is on each topic discussed, and that she covers soul abduction and returning stolen fragments of souls in addition to soul retrieval. Daniella is very knowledgeable as well as having a soothing and compassionate way about her which helps the student absorb the material easily." - Johannah Hopes
"This was a fantastic course. The pace of learning was just right and the rituals and methods easy to learn. Thank you so much." Colette V-C
"This is a very well planned and powerful course and the instructor, Daniela, is just so lovely. The video and sound quality is very professional and that is much appreciated. Also, Daniela provides many downloadable tools that will continue to be of help. This is a course you will return to again and again just to hear her voice guide you on your journey. I am not new to meditation journeys but I am always looking for insight into other practices, tips, and suggestions. I found this class to be engaging and I am very happy that I had the foresight to previously purchased her other courses." Lisa S.
Thank you for this beautiful journey on how to find my power animal! Daniela is an amazing teacher that offers courses with compact information, yet in a simple way for easy understanding. Her teachings are very creative with hands on techniques that will bring you closer to your desired goals. I had the opportunity to meet and work with Daniela and from experience i can say that it will enhance your life with great benefit! I found my power animal and i work on implementing these gifts and teachings into my day to day life continuously to expand my knowledge and my spirit! Thank you Daniela! I will be back to further develop my spiritual path! :)
"This is a really relaxing, interesting course with a lot of good information. I think this would be an excellent place to start, but it offers good information and useful suggestions even for people that have practiced for a long time. The instructor also has a lovely, soothing voice that made the videos extremely easy to listen to and matched the tone of the subject she was teaching. Over all, very well done both in the sense of the quality of information given and in the production value." Samantha P. "I totally enjoyed this course... it is very straightforward and to the point. Thank you Daniella for you sweet teachings... Love and Light to you ... Louise "This is a very soothing course that gently explains cleansing practices and the importance of safety. I'm enjoying it very much." - Tara "Easy understandable instructions for each step. Each lesson is not too long if you need to stop and come back to it." Leslie C. "I like all of the suggestions for preparing for a cleansing. Some I had not heard of before like at tuning to the ritual items that would add a lot to the cleansing. I loved this course, Daniela is a fantastic teacher, very engaging, I learnt a lot from this course, thank you very much. <3 "- Holly B
This is a really great course. Clear and concise information, I could stop and start at anytime thanks to the learning platform and as with all of Gatelight’s courses there are handouts and notes I can easily go back to if I don’t feel like watching the videos again. What I really loved was that it made shamanic journeying easily accessible for me where I had previously been interested but turned away because it seems a little too serious or complex. I also do not have the luxury of going out into the wild for days at a time which is what I had been previously led to believe needed to happen. With this class I can now do it in the comfort of my home but with all the intent and purpose that is required. It forces me to shut my door (sorry cats) and take time for myself in a way that I can’t do with just meditation alone and it delights me every time with it’s magic and the incredible insight I gain. Try it and you’ll see what I mean :)
👉 Important: These courses are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider for any health issues you may be experiencing.
Including certificates, drumming music, community