Remote Viewing Basics

Learn the fundamentals of remote viewing and tap into your psychic abilities to access information beyond physical limitations

There are different ways and methods on how to practice Remote Viewing.

When you do Distance Healing, like Reiki, you include Remote Viewing by being aware of blockages or imbalances of the Energy.  

But the kind of Remote Viewing in this course is different. I would like to share my knowledge with you about Coordinate Remote Viewing, which uses a protocol with specific steps to perceive information.  

Remote Viewing, also called traveling clairvoyance, is the practice to project your consciousness, or awareness, to a distant place, to perceive information about an event, location, person or object.

I found various contradicting information on the internet about Remote Viewing. Some articles say there is no scientific evidence that it works, and some articles say there is. There are also different versions of Remote Viewing, and each version has its own style.  


Before undertaking the journey to master Remote Viewing, it is important to understand that it is an art that requires dedication and extensive practice. Simply attending a class and receiving a certification does not guarantee accomplishment of Remote Viewing. Therefore, for those wishing to become proficient in this technique, dedication and countless hours of practice are essential

If you want to learn Remote Viewing to become more intuitive, or psychic, then this course is for you.

This was actually my intention when I started learning this art. I didn't want to become a Spy, I was just curious about how this kind of Remote Viewing works so that I can improve my intuitive skills.

Maybe you too just want to understand how Intuition works, and prove to yourself that you can do it.

Or maybe you want to become a Spy, and help Secret Organizations. If so, this course can help you get started on a long and intensive journey.

If you are a skeptic, but you are still open to giving it a try, then go for this course, because you might be surprised about your ability.

If you are more of a cynical person, don’t even try it, because you will not have success.

Keeping an open mind is important. In this course I will not be talking about the History of Remote Viewing, instead I will go right to the point on how to practice it. So, let's start with learning the method of Coordinate Remote Viewing the way I have learned it.

What will you need for this course?

Internet, phone, computer or tablet, Printer

white paper, black pens, table and chair, quiet room

time to practice 

Course Curriculum

Course Value $ 57 CAD

Remote Viewing Basics

$17.97 CAD
  • The Basics of Coordinate (Controlled) Remote Viewing

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Daniela Hills

I've been involved in the awesome realm of spiritual growth for many years in Germany, and now in Canada. I worked together with lots of people, one on one, in groups and online.

I teach Shamanic Healing methods, like Soul Retrieval, Aura Balancing, Shamanic Journeying, Trance Dance, and other shamanic methods.

I also practice and teach Past Life Regression, Reiki, Intuition Courses, Mediumship Readings, Trance Healing, Energy Grid Activation, Angel Readings, Space Clearings, and other healing methods.

I am also the Founder of the WhiteLight Self Empowerment System, and the Healing Grid Connection, both are known worldwide.

Private: I was born on the 4th of February 1965 in East Germany. I live since 2005 in Canada, Calgary. I am a wife, mother of 4 kids, stepmother of one kid, and I am also a Grandmother of 4 grandchildren. My native language is German, and I had to learn English, when I was 40 years old. I hope you like my German accent :)

Many Blessings
