Certified Reiki Level 1, 2, Master & Teacher - Bundle online Course

Three courses in one Bundle - With Attunements and Certificate for each Level

Get ready for our mega-value bundle - The Certified Reiki Levels 1, 2, Master & Teacher Online Course!  

Imagine getting three courses rolled into one cool package! That's triple the fun and triple the learning.
But wait, there's more!  Each level comes with its own attunements and a shiny certificate to prove you've mastered it.

So, not only do you get to dive deep into the relaxing world of Reiki, you also get to show off your skills with a certificate for each level.  
Ready to make some magic and master Reiki? Join our bundle course, and let's get started now!

Hey there, future healer! Buckle up for a remarkable ride into the soothing world of Reiki with your new online pals and teachers, Lina & Daniela!
Let's dive in, shall we?

Let's get to know each other!

 I'm Lina. Yes, I look young, but believe it or not, I've been practising Reiki since I was just 3!
My mom initiated me into the world of Reiki when I was 6!
And by the time I was 18, I became a Reiki master. So, while my friends were learning to drive, I was mastering the art of Reiki.
 My mom and I have put together this awesome course just for you.
Oh, did I mention I'm also a mom to a darling little girl? Yup, I've got my hands full, but thankfully, Reiki helps me keep my cool amidst.

I'm Daniela, an I'm absolutely thrilled to be running this course alongside my amazing daughter, Lina. I've been spreading the light of Reiki since 2002, back when we were in Germany.
Learning, growing, and evolving spiritually is my jam, and nothing makes me happier than sharing my wisdom and experiences with beautiful beings like you.
 My golden rule? Keep it simple.
Life's complicated enough, right? That's why I like to keep my courses straightforward, no fluff, just pure, enlightening content 😄.

Apart from spreading the joy of Reiki, I've delved into the fascinating worlds of Transpersonal Psychology, Past Life Regression, Shamanic Rituals, Tarot, Mediumship and much more. It's been an incredible ride and I can't wait to share the insights with you!  

Learn Reiki Level 1, 2, Master & Teacher, with Distance Attunements, and personalized Certificates for each Reiki Level

Online Home Study Course

Now, I must say, learning Reiki face-to-face has its charm, and if you find a course nearby, then go for it. But hey, we get it! Sometimes it's just not doable.
Life can throw a curveball - like a tight schedule, no nearby classes, physical limitations, lack of transport, or even, well, a global pandemic.
Sounds familiar? No worries! Our online course is here to save the day and is a perfect alternative that lets you learn at your pace, in your space.
We've designed this homely course to walk you through Reiki Levels 1, 2, and even up to Master & Teacher, all complete with distance attunements and shiny, personalized certificates for each level. Who doesn't like a good pat on the back, right?

So, if you've been wanting to dip your toes into the enchanting world of Reiki but haven't been able to, guess what? Our course might just be the perfect fit for you. Hop on board this spiritual journey, let's learn, grow, and spread healing together! Ready to take the plunge? Let's go!

Do you need more balance in your life?
Do you want to know how you can improve in your spiritual growth, but you don't know where to start?
Do you want to support your healing journey?
Do you love to help people to bring balance into their lives?

Reiki is a system for Healing and Self-Improvement

Now, let's talk Reiki. Pronounced "Ree-Kii", this Japanese concept represents the life energy flowing through all of us. It's the power that sparks life into every little thing around us.

And with our course, we're going to help you channel this energy to heal, balance, and improve yourself and others.

Are you ready to inject some spiritual growth into your life? Want to help yourself and others find balance and peace? Then let's get this Reiki party started! Hop in, and let's cruise this healing highway together.

All about Reiki - Questions and Answers

Does Reiki really work?
People have been reporting positive effects of Reiki since it was used by Usui. Reiki is now accepted by more and more medical professionals, hospitals, clinics and hospices as a helpful treatment option. If Reiki did not work it would have never lasted this long in society.
How can you describe Reiki energy?

The energy can be very subtle, often leading to an accumulated effect after the session, which can lead to wobbly legs, to emotional shifts like laughter or crying, depending on the blockages released, and the individual. Reiki seems to enter the crown chakra, and moves through the body. Reiki is given by a practitioner who acts as a channel for the energy. The receiver is not greeting the practitioners energy, but the universal Reiki energy flows through the giver to the receiver. It energizes both participants.
Is Reiki a Religion?
Reiki is not a religion at all.

How is a Reiki treatment given?
In a standard treatment the client might be standing, or sitting, or laying on a massage table. The client remains fully clothed. The practitioner gives the treatment with the hands on or near the clients body in different positions.
Can a Reiki treatment feel bad?
Since Reiki is a positive energy, it never harms anyone in any manner. Some people might end up crying during or after a treatment, or might feel a bit ill, dizzy, or disoriented afterwards. I think it depends on how sensitive they are to the energy, and how deeply the blockages are rooted. Tension, anxiety, fear, or other negative feelings get released, and after that many people feel a wonderful peace too. On the other hand, you might feel very relaxed, happy, and full of laughter. Some might feel a wonderful glowing radiance. No matter what, Reiki will balance you, and bring a change, and make you feel better.
Are there any serious side effects from a Reiki treatment?
No, there are no serious side effects. Some people might not feelings so well for a short moment, because of whatever gets released in the body, perhaps toxins, or emotional stress. But normally you will feel very relaxed, and balanced.  One hour of Reiki can have the same effect as 4 hours of deep sleep. If there are any side effects then it is all part of the self-healing process, and can last a few days, but mostly it only takes one or two hours to dissipate.

Can common things like colds be treated?
Reiki does not promise healing, but it can help for pain relief, and can help for common things like colds, head or stomach aches, bee stings, flu, tension and anxiety. Sickness often comes from stress. Reiki creates a deep relaxation, and because of this, it helps to activate the self healing in oneself.
Does Reiki replace a doctor or regular treatment?
No. Stop! Always see your regular doctor! But it can help to assist regular medical or psychological treatment. Reiki treatments can be good after a surgery, or psychological care to assist in the healing process.
Who can learn to do Reiki?
Anyone can learn Reiki, even children. Reiki is so simple to learn!

What is a Reiki attunement?
An attunement is like an initiation. The master connects to the Reiki source, and uses Reiki Symbols to connect you to the source of Reiki.  It means you are now able to channel Reiki to yourself and others when desired.
Durning the attunements your  Chakras open, and can release blockages. A Reiki attunement can feel like a Reiki session, but more intense. Maybe you will feel emotional during or after the attunement. You may see colours, memories can arise, or maybe you simply feel at peace.

How long does it take to learn Reiki?
About one or two days for each level.

Who can I treat?
Your family, friends, pregnant women, animals, children, babies, plants, food and water, and of course yourself.
Can I do distance healing?
Yes,  you learn  this in Reiki level II
How many levels are there to the Reiki training?
There are the first and second level, and the Master and Teacher level.

What is a Reiki Lineage?
To keep the Reiki energy pure, it is important that your Reiki Master-Teacher has a lineage. This lineage can be traced to the source of Reiki,  to Mikao Usui.

Is Reiki safe?
Yes! Reiki energy is a divine energy, and will always do good.

Reiki has 4 Levels

Reiki Level 1
You will learn the basic knowledge about Reiki and the basic hands-on healing methods. You will be initiated into Reiki by means of “attunements” that will empower you to be a Reiki channel. From this time on, Reiki energy will flow through your hands. It means YOU are now a Reiki practitioner for the rest of your life. Isn't that wonderful?

Reiki Level 2
In  the Second Degree,  you will learn the three Reiki symbols and their mantras. These symbols are: The Power Symbol, the Mental Symbol, and the Long Distance Symbol. This will enable you to do distance healing, mental and emotional healing, or sending healing to the past and/or the future. But, most importantly you will learn to heal your inner-child.
You will also learn how to install a Reiki shower and how to program Crystals with Reiki. You will be able to enhance the Reiki Power and learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind to release negative belief patterns.  Very exciting stuff!!!

Reiki Level 3 - Master
You will be given the fourth symbol and its mantra after receiving the attunement. This will bless you with a spiritual awakening, an expansion of consciousness, a deeper peacefulness, a profound loving kindness, an increase of your intuition.
Reiki Level 4 - Teacher
You will learn how to do the attunements and how to teach Reiki.

Start with
Certified Reiki Level 1 online Course

The Reiki healing method is to channel the universal life energy, and it is given to oneself or to others,  by gently laying ones hand on or slightly above the body. The one who provides the Reiki-Energy, the giver, is the channel for the energy, and through the hands this
energy is given to the receiver.

Reiki is an inspired healing art of USUI Mikao Sensei (1865-1926). Usui attained enlightenment, and a healing ability was bestowed upon him in 1922, at the age of 57 while he was fasting and meditating on the sacred mountain of Mount Kurama in Kyoto.

Reiki works at a physical level, and is relaxing and pleasant. On the emotional level it creates confidence in oneself, and in others. It helps to strengthen the zest for life, and to feel more balanced. Reiki works on the mental level too, helping you to cope with everyday stress better. On the spiritual level Reiki helps and guides you to develop your spiritual growth.

What is Reiki? Watch the video to find out :)

Hello and Welcome 

Reiki level one has traditionally four attunments, but we noticed that lots of online Reiki courses give one attunment for all the Reiki levels! This may be a different style, but we will guarantee you , that you will get four attunments for your Reiki level one. This course provides you with reading material and demonstration videos on how to give Reiki to yourself and others.

 "This course is well planned and well designed and informative and easy to follow. I really like the short lectures and animated videos. Daniela and Lina are very knowledgable, involving and gentle presenters who take the time to thoroughly explain each aspect of the course. I have enjoyed this course very much and learnt so much about Reiki Level 2, and I would take another course with Daniela and Lina, and I also recommend it to others."

Julia K.

 "I would highly recommend this course to all those wanting to learn Reiki. This is an awesome course with tons of useful information. Compared to other courses, the instructors recorded themselves to show us the practical side of hands on in Reiki."
Dayamí V

Do Distance Attunements actually work?

A Distance Attunement works on the same principle like the Distance Healing method, that you can learn in Reiki Level 2.
The Master/Teacher uses Reiki Symbols to connect with the student on an energetic level, and does the attunements the same way as if the student would be in front of the teacher.

Based on experience and feedback, there is no difference between receiving attunements in person or from the distance. But still, it is important to know that just receiving the attunements is not enough. Important is to learn the knowledge and principles of Reiki, and to practice on yourself first, before you start to work with others.

Also that distance attunements enable you to practice Reiki, you should make the effort and commitment to go through all the information provided in the course to ensure that you are working in accordance with the principles and methods of Reiki.

If you are a motivated individual then you can become a competent Reiki Practitioner after receiving the distance attunements.
This course teaches you everything that we would teach in person.

A Little Video

about distance Attunements

How we do the Distance Attunements?
We know, life keeps us very busy, and it is not always easy to find the right time to receive the attunements, especially if there is a big time difference between us and you. That is why we decided to offer you an easy way of receiving your attunements at your leisure.
We (Lina or Daniela) will set up an Attunement Depot (also called a Chi Ball) for you. The Depot Method, that you have learned in Reiki Level 2, makes sure, that you get your full attunements that fits to your schedule. This is a common method around the world for Distance Attunements and Healing.

An Attunement Depot, is like a cosmic bank where the Reiki Master can "store" a healing session, or attunements for a person. You can imagine this like a cloud in the sky, that is full of energy, waiting to get activated by the receiver when ever they are ready. You can activate your personal attunements any time you want.

In this course you will also find a meditation where Lina guides you through the attunements. You will exactly know what happens in each attunement.

Distance Attunements with appointments are possible as well, as long as it works with the time difference.

Do you get a certificate?
At the end you will get a certificate for Reiki level one. This certificate can be downloaded as a pdf-file after the going through the course.
This course is easy to learn. I like to repeat my mother, she always says "Reiki is simple so keep it simple” And this is what we are going to do :)

How does it work?
Very simple, enrol the course now, download the material, watch the movies, and get in contact with us for your personal attunements. More about it will be explained in the course.

 "This course is excellent. You get many information and explanation about Reiki and Reiki practice. I felt the connection with teachers as never before. Thank You Daniela and Linda for Your Exisistence."
Tanja B

"I finished this course 3 months ago, but recently I watched it again and discovered more wonderful things. Definitely this is one of my favourite courses and Daniela is one of the best teachers ever!"
Silvia B N I

"Amazing course!  Thank you so much your courses have really helped me I have them all and I have been very happy with them.
Summerr R

The Next Step: Certified Reiki Level 2 Course

In the Second Degree you are taught three symbols and their Mantras. With the use of these symbols, Reiki healing will become more practical and beneficial to you.

    • Your Reiki healing energy will flow at a stronger and higher vibration.
    • Your Reiki awareness will continue to expand through your experience and progress.
    • You will be able to use three powerful Reiki Symbols.
    • You will be able to send Reiki to the past, the present, and the future.
    • You will become more aware of the intensity, flow, and power of Reiki.
    • You may become more intuitive and psychic.
    • Further changes, unique to you, will manifest themselves.

The home study online course will teach you the 3 Reiki Symbols and their Mantras. You will learn their meaning, as well as how to draw them, and how to pronounce the Mantras.

You will also learn:
- How to activate the Reiki Symbols
- Room Clearing with the Reiki Symbols
- Distance Room Clearing
- Distance Healing
- Mental and Emotional Healing (Reprogramming)
- Healing of the Inner Child (healing the past)
- Programming Crystals to send healing to the future
- Reiki Shower
and more

This course teaches you everything that we would teach in person.

Do you get a certificate?
At the end you will get a certificate for Reiki level two. This certificate can be downloaded as a pdf-file after the going through the course.

How does it work?
Very simple, enroll the course now, download the material, watch the movies, and get in contact with us to make an appointment for your personal attunements. More about it will be explained in the course.

Prerequisite to learn Reiki Level 2 is Reiki Level 1. 

Do you get a certificate?
At the end you will get a certificate for Reiki level two. This certificate can be downloaded as a pdf-file after the going through the course.

How does it work?
Very simple, enroll the course now, download the material, watch the movies, and get in contact with us to make an appointment for your personal attunements. More about it will be explained in the course.

Prerequisite to learn Reiki Level 2 is Reiki Level 1. 

Wonderful Course
 "This course is professional, informative and has that warmth and love that I have come to expect from Daniela and Lina's courses. This course leads you step by step through the Level 2 symbols. It also shows you many uses for the symbols including unique and innovative ways that I have not heard of anywhere before. I will definitely take the Master level course from Daniella and Lina."

Become a Certified Reiki Master & Teacher

If you want to get the Master attunements, you must already have the first and second Reiki Level completed, including the attunements.

Reiki Master - The Third Degree  - the first step of becoming a Reiki Teacher

Reiki will be a wonderful tool for your spiritual journey. But becoming a Reiki Master is not the end of the journey. It is only the beginning of your own personal and spiritual development. Being a Reiki Master is a step further into your own self-discovery and development. It is also the first step of becoming a Reiki Teacher.

If someone wants to become a Reiki Master, this normally indicates that this person has a great love for Reiki. It may feel like an inner calling.

What is included in the Master Level:

You will be introduced to the Master-Symbol
You will learn how to draw the Master-Symbol
You will learn how to include it in your daily life
You will receive the master symbol attunements
You will learn about the Shadow Self
You learn a Master Symbol Meditation through a guided meditation
You will get material to downlaod

After receiving the master attunement, you can start to go further and become a Certified Reiki Teacher. You do not need to wait to do this step.

Becoming a Reiki Teacher is a wonderful way to share your knowledge and experiences with family, friends and clients.

But it does not make you suddenly a better or wiser or more enlightened person than anyone else.

It simply means that as a Reiki Teacher you are now able to pass on the gift of Reiki to others.

As a Reiki Master and Teacher you are still learning, and growing, and you are committed to doing your best on your personal and spiritual path. As a Reiki teacher you are seeking to not only enhance your own life, but also the lives of others.

 "This was the 3rd online Reiki course I took. I signed up for 2 of the most popular/highest rated courses, only to find it was nothing but powerpoints being read (basically of a Reiki manual that is available free online, that both teachers had slightly changed to have it not be technical plagiarism...one of them even sells it on Amazon. I was bored, it took way too long to get responses, and I didn't feel the attunement would be legit if the course was pretty much copy and pasted and read out loud as their own...So I emailed Daniela and got a response immediately. She wrote her own manual and was willing to skype with me before our attunement, which she did personally. I learned so much and was able to quickly put it into practice. I quickly signed up for level 2 with her. I then had the opportunity to take all 3 levels in person...that's when I realized just how great Daniela's course was. If I had not had her course prior, I would have missed so much important information. I sincerely feel that I got so much more from Daniela's classes than I did taking reiki in person. I have signed up to take more of her classes, and consider her my spiritual mentor. She has awakened such a deep connection in me, and I have grown so much spiritually since she came into my life. I highly suggest all of her courses, here and from her personal site. I have so much more to learn from her and am so grateful she came into my life."


 "I loved this course; it's well organised and complete. Lina and Daniela not only give written material, but also a series of videos where they show how things are REALLY done, which is so useful for Reiki students. They are lovely instructors, very gentle, and they know what they're doing. I would definitely recommend this course!"

 "Another amazing course!
"Another amazing course taught by two loving and knowledgeable women. These ladies believe in what they are doing and are there to help you whenever needed."

Do you get a certificate?
At the end you will get a certificate for Reiki level two. This certificate can be downloaded as a pdf-file after the going through the course.

How does it work?
Very simple, enroll the course now, download the material, watch the movies, and get in contact with us to make an appointment for your personal attunements. More about it will be explained in the course.

Prerequisite to learn Reiki Master and Teacher is Reiki Level 1 and 2. 

All Three Reiki Online Home Study Courses include

E-Books for each Reiki Level
A personalized Certificate for each Reiki Level

All Three Courses in one Bundle 
Note for EU customers: (VAT not included. VAT applicable to EU customers only)

All Three Courses for

$199 CAD