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Shaman History, Was The First Shaman a Woman?

There Is Evidence In Shaman History That Females Were The First Shamans

The Truth About Female Shaman History And Female Shaman Names 

Female Shaman History, Shamanic Journeying online courses

A Fascinating Female Shaman History Can Be Understood Through Female Shaman Names

On my spiritual journey I discovered something amazing about the female shaman.

My husband always imagined the first Shaman as a man. I saw the first Shaman as a women.

You might be thinking, “sure, you’re a woman, and he’s a man, the perception of male / female shaman logically follows…”

And you might be right, but is there more to it than that?

So what’s the truth?

When I released my best selling Shamanic Journeying online course, I meant it to be for everyone.

And so it is, because being a Shaman is not gender specific.

But this is what I found out: 

Female Shaman History

Female shaman history is very interesting and found in female shaman names

In this Siberian region there are several tribes. The names given to male Shamans vary greatly, not so the Female equivalent.

The Yakut people, for example, call male shamans “khamma or ayun”.
But simultaneously Mongols and Buryats call them “buge or bo”.
“Kam and gam” is what the Tartars and Altaians call them.
And “baksy” is the male shaman of Kyrgyzstan.
The Samoyed people call them “tadibey”.

A woman shaman in Siberia is called something different

Yet her name is spoken very similarly everywhere in this wide geographical area.
For six different tribes in this area a woman shamans name is exactly the same.
In the Mongols, Buryats, Yakuts, Altaians, Turgout, and Kyrgys cultures, the word for a woman shaman is “udagan”. There may be some variation like: utagan, ubakan, utygan or utugun.
This word probably originates from the Mongolian word “Etugen” which is the name of the ancient hearth-goddess.

Thus, “udagan” is an ancient prehistoric word because of its wide usage.
It is much older than all the words for a male shaman, which is a likely indication that female shamans have been around a long time.

Language experts would say a lot longer than the word for male shamans have been used.

Female Shaman History, female shaman names

Our first Shamans Were Women

This doesn’t exclude men from this role, not at all. But there is an inherent wisdom and intuition that goes back a long way for the female shaman.

The Female Shaman name is honorable. Through countless selfless acts of healing and support for their communities a woman shaman deserves respect.

Today Some Give The Female Shaman The Name: Shamanka, but that’s just the gender specific way of saying female shaman in Russain by adding the “ka” at the end.

The female shaman in other cultures have been called Seers, Wise Women, Medicine woman, Pipe Holders, High Priestess, and dream seers.

There isn’t really just one name to describe a female shaman. It’s what they do, which is similar all over the world. They are, for example, Ritual Specialist, Diviners, Healers, and Ancestor Dreamers.

A woman shaman can do many different tasks within her culture. She can do everything from Shamanic Journeying for others, soul retrievals, to fortune telling, and storytelling.

The female shaman is a brave, honourable, and integral part of bringing protection and healing to their people, and imparting their great wisdom through teachings!

In conclusion Daniela Hills is a teacher of shamanic practices, like Shamanic Journeying, to find your Power Animal, find answers to questions, or Symbols,  as well as Soul Retrieval and Shamanic Dancing.

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What Students Say About The Shamanic Journeying Courses

"My guides have been encouraging me to help people retrieve their souls, but I felt I needed some outside instruction as well. Up popped this course and having finished it I have been offering my clients and students who need it soul retrieval and the experiences have all been very good. Thank you for the straight forward clear instructions." - Annabel
"This is a wonderful match for me as I am presently taking shamanic classes but it will take me a while before I get to this point, so I really appreciate having the information now as it gives me a leg up and the knowledge to practice now rather than having to wait." Samantha
"I really enjoyed this course. I already knew my power animal and had made verbal contact with it through plant medicine then meditation, but was unable to see it since I didn't know you had to go through a portal to find it. I was able to successfully retrieve it from the Under World on my first go with the guided meditation. I am looking forward to the Upper World and your other shamanic journeying courses once I've journeyed to the Under World a bit more." 


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Categories: Shamanism